Ever since Brian was only a few months old people would comment to us about how observant he was. For an almost two year old Brian is more laid back than most of his male counterparts. Brian likes to be moving but at a much slower and more careful pace than I see most little boys. I am beginning to think this is because if Brian is moving too quickly he worries he will miss out on seeing something important. I first noticed how much he was paying attention to about 4 or 5 months ago. I was sitting on the couch with an empty protein bar wrapper while Brian was playing in front of me. He looked up and me and noticed the empty wrapper in my hand. Without a second thought Brian took the wrapper from me, walked over to the cabinet the trash can is in, opened the door and threw it away. I am not sure if this is abnormal behavior but I was so amazed that my 17-18 month old threw away my garbage without being asked or ever shown what to do with trash. Over the next few months Howard and I noticed other behaviors that were clearly being mimicked because they were not things we specifically showed Brian. For instance, before we would leave the apartment Brian would close all of the doors to the bedrooms, he started filling up Daisys food dish when it was empty and recently has started to take a tissue and blow his nose. The nose blowing is something I am impressed by but also trying to prevent because at 22 months the snot ends up in a lot more places than just the tissue. About a week ago Brian began doing something, that sadly many parents probably don't even teach their children, so far beyond his years Howard and I are convinced he is ready for a lifetime of health, wealth and achievement. Brian walked into his bathroom, shut the door, and a few moments later exited while flossing. I realize that Brian is not flossing properly, however, I am so excited that he is already familiar with the idea. So go ahead Grandma, retire whenever you want. Brian will be flossing before those baby teeth ever fall out.