Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's day 5 and the friendliness is already getting to me

I am the first person to say please/thank you or shoot someone a smile.  In my opinion that is as far as you need to take it.  However, that is not the mentality out here.  For example, people make small talk with the individuals ringing you up at the grocery store.  It took every ounce of my being yesterday not to scream at the woman in front of me to shut her piehole, bag her own groceries and move it along.

As I see it one of two things is going to happen.  1)  I will adapt to this new way of life and slow down and become more pleasant.  2) I will have a heart attack from getting myself so worked up every single time I leave the house.  Who am I kidding, I would have a heart attack either way because the idea of me slowing down and being nice is enough to cause one.

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