Sunday, June 24, 2012

This is what I wish Brian looked like

for a nice day out.

But sadly, this is what Brian looks like when we leave the house.  Even he does not look thrilled about it.
I have spent at least the last 6 months hoping to get rid of the bib.  However I think we might be at an all time drooling high.  I met a mother a few weeks ago who informed me that her son used one until he was 2 years and 9 months.  She said that the drool even continued past his second molars coming in.  I am truly convinced that people assume Howard and I have the largest 10 month old they have ever seen because everyone refers to him as a baby.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Fun and free are two great words

but when you put them together they are utterly fantastic.  On days we don't have anything planned Brian and I sometimes take a trip downtown to Barnes and Noble.  The key is to get there right after they open so the Thomas the Train table is not packed with smelly, unattended ankle biters.  Brian stood at the table and played so happily for almost 30 minutes.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


If you are the loudest and most obnoxious person in a small restaurant with at least 5-6 toddlers there you deserve a muzzle along with a swift kick to the noggin.  I took Brian to the small sushi restaurant down the street from us tonight for dinner.  Even though it is a small restaurant it's usually very quiet in there.  Brian and I sat behind a table of 5 adults.  After 2.5 seconds of sitting there I wanted to turn around and ask the incredibly loud and obnoxious lady why she thought other people in the restaurant would be interested in her mothers birthday gift, all of the names she has for her mother (mommy, mama, ma - truly original, I know) and best of all what her nieces and nephews call their grandmother.  I do not mind if you are a dull person without an interesting story to offer up to your friends.  BUT, keep it to the table and please do not pierce my eardrums with it.

On a different note Brian shoveled in about 8 pieces of chicken katsu, potato and shrimp tempura and white rice.  I tried to get him to taste some edamame but he politely put the small green beans back on my plate.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

One hot mess

For those of you who didn't know, Brian attended school on Fridays for the last 5 months.  I would say that for the most part Brian truly enjoys going to pre-school.  I don't think he enjoys it for the typical reasons such as great teachers, getting to play outside, new and different toys, etc.  I am 99.9% sure Brian loves going to school because he gets to color all over himself.  Every week when I go to pick him up he comes out with a new art project.  I don't think any of Brians artwork has been more colorful or decorative than his arms, face and clothing.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Brian the observer

Ever since Brian was only a few months old people would comment to us about how observant he was.  For an almost two year old Brian is more laid back than most of his male counterparts.  Brian likes to be moving but at a much slower and more careful pace than I see most little boys.  I am beginning to think this is because if Brian is moving too quickly he worries he will miss out on seeing something important.  I first noticed how much he was paying attention to about 4 or 5 months ago.  I was sitting on the couch with an empty protein bar wrapper while Brian was playing in front of me.  He looked up and me and noticed the empty wrapper in my hand.  Without a second thought Brian took the wrapper from me, walked over to the cabinet the trash can is in, opened the door and threw it away.  I am not sure if this is abnormal behavior but I was so amazed that my 17-18 month old threw away my garbage without being asked or ever shown what to do with trash.  Over the next few months Howard and I noticed other behaviors that were clearly being mimicked because they were not things we specifically showed Brian.  For instance, before we would leave the apartment Brian would close all of the doors to the bedrooms, he started filling up Daisys food dish when it was empty and recently has started to take a tissue and blow his nose.  The nose blowing is something I am impressed by but also trying to prevent because at 22 months the snot ends up in a lot more places than just the tissue.  About a week ago Brian began doing something, that sadly many parents probably don't even teach their children, so far beyond his years Howard and I are convinced he is ready for a lifetime of health, wealth and achievement.  Brian walked into his bathroom, shut the door, and a few moments later exited while flossing.  I realize that Brian is not flossing properly, however, I am so excited that he is already familiar with the idea.  So go ahead Grandma, retire whenever you want.  Brian will be flossing before those baby teeth ever fall out.